Julisis - Pure Body Emulsion
Pure Body Emulsion combines invigorating and intensively nourishing properties with a feather-light texture that strengthens, refines and firms even the most stressed skin. Supplied with intensive moisture and supported in its barrier functions, the skin shines silkily cared for and optimally nourished. Julisis composes its Pure Body Emulsion from a handpicked number of selected raw materials. Active ingredients extracted from the roots, fruits, bark, blossoms and nuts of the chestnut combine with ivy, briar myrtle and bilberry to create an intensely nourishing and protective emulsion that is suitable for all skin types, including skin challenged by psoriasis and eczema.
aqua, alkohol (bio-alkohol), glycerin (veg. glyzerin), algin (blaualge), sklerotium (pilzferment), salvia off., (weißer salbei) melissa off., (melissenblatt) equisetum arvense, (schachtelhalmextrakt) (alchemilla vulgaris (frauenmantel), lavandula angustifolia, (hochgebirgslavendel) rosa gallica, (rosenstielextrakt) mentha piperita, (minzwurzel und blatt) centaurea cyanus, (lila kornblume) viola tricolor (wildes stiefmütterchen), lamium album (weiße brennnessel), (glucose-lactobacillus-cocos nucifera-fruchtextrakt, (kokosfruchtextrakt fermentiert), rosmarin (salvia rosmarinus), angelica wurzelextrt (angelica archangelica), vaniglia- orange, (citrus aurantium dulcis), sorbinsäure, lactoperoxidase-glucose oxidase, mineralcomplex mica, zink., jlpe® julisis liquid pearl essence (weisse perlessenz)