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Brand Portrait: Nishane

Istanbul is a city where a glorious history reaches out to kiss a golden future. A diverse and bustling city, Istanbul is like Paris, London, and Madrid in that a second culture – that of the wild party crowd - only emerges after sundown. But there are also places of tranquility and inner contemplation to be found in Istanbul. A fun-loving youth will meet more white-clad Sufis here than in any other city. Istanbul is a vibrant city - a melting pot of cultures, and a true bridge between the East and West.

Nishane was created as a loving ode to this incredible city and its people, and as such the line represents its inspiring mix of deep-rooted traditions, modern vision, and cosmopolitan structure. Only the most valuable of essences and absolutes were chosen to create these unique perfumes. Each Nishane fragrance pays homage to the most diverse of emotions and moods. One spray is enough to hurtle you through the corridors of your imagination to very specific places, magical moments, and mysterious encounters.