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Obvious: Luxury & Nature in Harmony - That's obvious!

Obvious Parfums values are based on ELEGANCE | SIMPLICITY | LUXURY | COOLNESS | RESPECT | INDEPENDENCE. Created here are elegant, sophisticated perfumes with long-lasting effects. "Less is more" is the saying. Small, balanced recipes, just like in the kitchen, provide the most fantastic results - if you handle the ingredients masterfully. OBVIOUS creates short, understandable and obvious recipes. In harmony with nature, the brand pursues a holistic concept that turns the luxurious consumption of the high-end into something meaningful.

Brand Portrait: Obvious

The one word “obvious&rdquo sums up the whole approach of OBVIOUS. This is what the brand is all about: an obvious name, obvious simplicity, obvious style, and perfumes that obviously say what they are – without creating false complexities: Une Rose, Un Poivre, Une Vanille, etc.
OBVIOUS is the obvious embodiment of that one desire for olfactory elegance and a new take on luxury that inspires many among us. More specifically, it is about the kind of luxury that reflects the essence of what it offers, and that is made according to time-honored French manufacturing practices.
Less is more… That's OBVIOUS!


The vision of Obvious Parfums


OBVIOUS is luxury - luxury that combines simplicity with elegance, and elegance with respect. Although OBVIOUS is motivated by the values of transparency, recyclability and responsibility, it is impossible to overlook the fact that the brand is also synonymous with luxury, craftsmanship and generosity, and represents complementary creations that are simple yet complex. When it comes to concentrates, OBVIOUS prefers natural ingredients, but does not shy away from synthetics completely. The brand has opted to use organic diluent alcohol, recyclable bottles made from recycled glass, cork caps with no plastic inserts and cartons made from recycled paper with natural dyes.

The founder of OBVIOUS Perfumes: David Frossard

After David finished his philosophy degree, he began working in a family business selling perfüms and cosmetics in Africa. With the desire to become self-employed, he soon moved to L’Artisan Parfumeur, where he was appointed export manager.

In 2005, the young entrepreneur founded Différentes Latitudes: a company specialized in supporting independent niche perfume brands. He successfully launched the leading brands in this sector: BYREDO, Juliette has a Gun, Atelier Cologne, Memo, BDK Parfums, Liquides Imaginaires, Parfums Frapin, Ella K, and many more.
In 2013, he created the “Liquides Perfumes Bar” and in the fall of 2020, finally, his very OWN brand, which embodies his principles and deeply rooted convictions. OBVIOUS.